


Understanding the Course Structure

Based on the provided course outline, the course aims to provide a comprehensive overview of entrepreneurship, covering various aspects from the entrepreneurial journey to the Indian startup ecosystem. The course also emphasizes the role of technology, finance, and the broader socio-economic context of entrepreneurship.

Proposed Question Bank Structure

To create an effective question bank, we can categorize questions based on different levels of cognitive thinking (Bloom's Taxonomy) and align them with the course modules.

Module 1: Entrepreneurial Journey

  • What are the key characteristics of an entrepreneur?
  • Describe the different stages of the entrepreneurial process.
  • What are the common challenges faced by entrepreneurs?

Module 2: Entrepreneurial Discovery

  • Explain the concept of opportunity recognition.
  • How can market research be used to identify business opportunities?
  • What is the role of customer segmentation in entrepreneurial ventures?

Module 3: Ideation and Prototyping

  • Define ideation and explain its importance in entrepreneurship.
  • Describe the different methods for generating new ideas.
  • What is the role of prototyping in the product development process

Module 4: Testing, Validation, and Commercialization

  • What are the key metrics for evaluating a startup's performance?
  • Explain the concept of minimum viable product (MVP).
  • How can customer feedback be used to refine a product or service?

Module 6: Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship – 1

  • Discuss the impact of disruptive technologies on industries.
  • Explain the concept of intellectual property and its importance for startups.
  • How can technology be leveraged to create a competitive advantage?

Module 8: Raising Financial Resources

  • What are the different stages of venture capital funding?
  • Explain the concept of crowdfunding.
  • How can a startup create a compelling pitch to investors?

Module 10: Beyond Founders and Founder-Families

  • What is the role of a CEO in a startup?
  • Discuss the importance of building a strong leadership team.
  • How can a startup foster a positive company culture?

Module 12: National Entrepreneurial Culture

  • How does the entrepreneurial culture of a country impact startup success?
  • Compare and contrast the entrepreneurial ecosystems of different countries.
  • What government policies can foster entrepreneurship?
  • Knowledge-based questions: These test factual recall of information.
    • Examples: Define entrepreneurship, List the stages of product development, What are the key components of a business plan?
  • Comprehension questions: These assess understanding of concepts.
    • Examples: Explain the concept of lean startup, Differentiate between ideation and innovation, Summarize the key challenges faced by Indian startups.
  • Application questions: These require students to apply knowledge to new situations.
    • Examples: Develop a business model canvas for a hypothetical startup, Analyze a case study to identify potential market opportunities, Create a pitch deck for a new product idea.
  • Analysis questions: These test the ability to break down information and identify relationships.
    • Examples: Compare and contrast different funding options for startups, Evaluate the impact of government policies on the startup ecosystem, Analyze the role of technology in disrupting traditional industries.
  • Evaluation questions: These require students to make judgments based on criteria.
    • Examples: Assess the feasibility of a business idea, Evaluate the effectiveness of different marketing strategies, Critically analyze the role of entrepreneurship in economic development.
  • Creation questions: These involve generating new ideas or products.
    • Examples: Develop a new business concept, Design a marketing campaign for a startup, Create a business plan for a social enterprise.
  • SECURE CODING (MTCSPC2002) Question Bank1


    Course: SECURE CODING (MTCSPC2002)

    UNIT I: Introduction to Secure Coding

    1. Explain the key security concepts and the principles of security architecture.
    2. Discuss common string manipulation errors and string vulnerabilities in C and C++.
    3. Describe the process memory organization and how stack smashing occurs.
    4. Explain code injection and arc injection with examples.
    5. Analyze notable vulnerabilities in C and C++ programming.
    6. What is pointer subterfuge? Discuss the types of pointer subterfuge and how they can be exploited.
    7. Describe the role of the Global Offset Table in pointer manipulation.
    8. Explain the use of the at_exit() and on_exit() functions in secure coding.
    9. Discuss how the longjmp() function can be used in exception handling and its security implications.

    UNIT II: Dynamic Memory Management and Integer Security

    1. What are common dynamic memory management errors, and how can they be prevented?
    2. Describe Doug Lea's memory allocator and its significance.
    3. Explain the concept of RtlHeap and its role in memory management.
    4. Discuss integer security and the types of integer error conditions.
    5. Explain integer conversions and the potential vulnerabilities they introduce.
    6. Describe notable vulnerabilities related to dynamic memory management.
    7. What are non-exceptional integer logic errors? Provide examples.
    8. Analyze how integer operations can lead to security vulnerabilities.

    UNIT III: Formatted Output and File I/O

    1. Explain the role of variadic functions in formatted output.
    2. Discuss the exploitation of formatted output functions with examples.
    3. What is stack randomization, and how does it enhance security?
    4. Describe the importance of concurrency in file I/O operations.
    5. Explain the time of check, time of use (TOCTOU) vulnerability and provide examples.
    6. How can files be used as locks, and what are the security implications?
    7. Discuss file system exploits and their impact on system security.

    UNIT IV: Web Application Security

    1. What is SQL injection, and how can it be mitigated?
    2. Describe web server–related vulnerabilities such as XSS, XSRF, and response splitting.
    3. Explain web client–related vulnerabilities with a focus on XSS.
    4. Discuss the use of magic URLs and the associated security risks.
    5. Provide examples of common web application security flaws and their remedies.

    UNIT V: Predictable Cookies and Hidden Form Fields

    1. Explain the concept of predictable cookies and how they can be exploited.
    2. Discuss the role of hidden form fields in web application security.
    3. What are CWE references, and how are they used in secure coding?
    4. Analyze the impact of predictable cookies on web application security.
    5. Explain the process of spotting patterns in code review for hidden form fields.
    6. Discuss testing techniques for identifying security issues related to predictable cookies and hidden form fields.
    7. Describe the redemption steps for securing web applications against predictable cookies and hidden form fields.