
Notice For Remaining Examination (DBMS and SE)




SE CA1:-

SE CA2:-


Please Make Separate PDF files as follows:

1. Total 9 Files for each Exercise of DBMS Lab 

DBMSLab_Exr1.pdf    TO   DBMSLab_Exr9.pdf

2. Separate file for CAs.

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Upload All files  on or before 24 Feb 2020 5.30 PM.

 DBMS CA 2:  (Each Question 2 Marks)

1. List the advantages of DBMS?

 2 List the database Applications? 

 3 Define instances and schemas of database? 

4 Discuss Data Independence? 

 5 Explain database Access for applications Programs 

DBMS CA 1:  (Each Question 5 Marks)

Q.1 Construct an E-R diagram for a car-insurance company whose customers own one or more cars each. Each car has associated with it zero to any number of recorded accidents.

Q.2 Construct an E-R diagram for a hospital with a set of patients and a set of medical doctors. Associate with each patient a log of the various tests and examinations conducted.

  Software Engineering CA 2:  (Each Question 5 Marks)

Q.1 .Explain iterative waterfall and spiral model for software life cycle and discuss various activities in each phase. 

Q.2 With an example explain about DFD.

 Software Engineering CA 1:  (Each Question 1 Marks) [ Write Ans in Max 2-4 lines]

1. What is the prime objective of software engineering? 

2. Define software engineering paradigm. 

3. What do you mean by spiral model? 

4. Write a brief note on waterfall model. 

5. Distinguish between process and methods. 

6. Give the importance of software engineering. 

7. Define software process. State the important features of a process. 

8. Write any two characteristics of software as a product. 

9. List the process maturity levels in SEI' s CMM. 

10. Distinguish clearly between verification & validation.